아이캔톡 화상영어, Daniel Lee 입니다.
"그는(..에대해)강하게 부정적이다." 라는 표현을 영어 원어민은 어떻게 표현할까요?
오늘 배워볼 문장은 He's got a bit of a thing about it 라는 영어표현입니다.
(We use this expression to say that another person has a very strong (negative) opinion or emotion, about an everyday activity or thing. We are usually criticising the other person and saying we don’t agree with their opinion.)
Written: No, Spoken: Yes, Formal : No , Informal : Yes
A : What’s your new Maths teacher like? 새로온 수학선생님 어때?
B : Oh, Mr. Andrews is okay but he’s got a bit of a thing about us using phones in class. 아~ 앤드류씨 좋아. 하지만 우리가 교실에서 핸드폰 사용하는것에 대해서는 굉장히 부정적이야.
A : I’m looking for a plant to give my girlfriend for Valentine’s day. 여자친구한테 발렌타인날 선물할 식물을 찾고 있어.
B : Why don’t you give her some cut flowers. They’re much cheaper. 꼿을 선물하는건 어때? 훨씬 저렴할텐데.
A : I can’t do that. She’s an extreme vegan and she’s got a bit of a thing about killing plants by cutting their heads off. 그럴수없어. 그녀는 엄청난 채식주의자고 꼿을꺽어 식물을 죽이는걸 굉장히 싫어해.
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