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아이캔톡 생활영어

Have you seen 과 Did you see 와의 차이

승승브라더스 2021. 7. 7. 11:36

아이캔톡 생활영어

Have you seen 과 Did you see 와의 차이



​아이캔톡 화상영어, Daniel Lee 입니다.

​Have you seen 과 Did you see 와의 차이에 대해 한번 알아보겠습니다.


"Have you seen" vs "Did you see"

"Have you seen" implies that the person saw something sometime in the recent past right up to the present moment. "Did you see" is asking if the person has ever seen something, at any time in the past. It makes a big difference if you're looking for a lost pair of glasses.


(무언가를 찾고 있을때) 이거 봤어? 라고 표현하고 싶다면 "Have you seen this?" 를 (과거에)이거 본적있어? 라고 표현하고 싶다면 "Did you see this ?"를 사용하시면 됩니다.



Did you see James? -- No, I did not have any dates with him.

Have you seen James? --- No, I have no idea where he is.


무언가를 찾고 있는 상황에서 ".. 을 보셨어요?" 라고 물어볼때, "Have you seen ... ? " 로 표현해보세요~


